That is a really nice explanation. I was actually searching a long time for a logic reasoning like this against that JW doctrine.
i'm hoping to start a series of posts refuting common, fallacious jw reasoning that they repeat to support their teachings or defend their organization.
in this first installment i will be tackling the common fallacious analogy used by them to equate eating blood with receiving a transfusion.
feel free to share your own refutations on each thread.. "if a doctor tells you to abstain from alcohol you wouldn't go injecting it into your veins, would you?".
That is a really nice explanation. I was actually searching a long time for a logic reasoning like this against that JW doctrine.
this is the first time i've read through a watchtower magazine in about a year.
although i've been our only 8 months it really git me how crazy i must have sounded when i was a jw talking to non jws.. while other bible based religions talk about the 4 horsemen and back up their theories with other scriptures or historical evidence, the watchtower have taken so such steps.
1914 is thrown in there as if it's universally agreed that jesus started ruling since then.. even when i was a jw i never really understood why, if the pale horse represents jesus, why is he first?
Acts 1:
Jesus says:
8. You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
I was thinking about this. Jesus will come out of heaven the same way the apostles saw him go into heaven.
To my knowledge, the witnesses explain that ''the same way'' means that it would only be seen by a small group of people (the few apostles present at Jesus ascension vs. the few Bible students).
This thing about these four horses
They say
Jesus came out of heaven
In 1914
On a horse
And they mean
To only a few bible students
And he was still in heaven for the seals
But also on earth
And all of this was
How crazy does this actually sound???????????????
Ps. maybe they should create some kind of doctrine in which Jesus would be more than one person so that they can add some logic to their teaching about Jesus being in heaven for the seals and at the same time on the earth riding on the horse
They should just accept some kind of ..... trinity?
this is the first time i've read through a watchtower magazine in about a year.
although i've been our only 8 months it really git me how crazy i must have sounded when i was a jw talking to non jws.. while other bible based religions talk about the 4 horsemen and back up their theories with other scriptures or historical evidence, the watchtower have taken so such steps.
1914 is thrown in there as if it's universally agreed that jesus started ruling since then.. even when i was a jw i never really understood why, if the pale horse represents jesus, why is he first?
The first rider cannot be Jesus. Revelation 6 is describing the beginning of the tribulation, and Jesus is supposed to come back to end the tribulation
Matthew 24:29-30
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days:
‘The sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.’b
30 At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.c).
In revelation 6 the Lamb is the one that opens the seals, as said in earlier comments, Jesus cannot at the same time be the one riding the white horse.
Also, when Jesus comes, at the end of the tribulation, he will not be the only one riding a white horse (not the one in chapter 6). He will bring others from Heaven with him who also will be on white horses. We do not know how many of these white horses there will be.
Revelation 19
11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns.He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
Here is a description of Armageddon, which is not the same as revelation 6. In revelation 6 it is the beginning of tribulation with only one white horse, and in revelation 19 it is the end of the tribulation with more white horses.
I think Jesus cannot be the horseman of revelation 6 as how WT describes it.
If they say it is Jesus, then revelation 6 is his second coming, and revelation 19 (in correspondance with the text of Matthew 24) is his third coming???
some go back to churchianity!.
and that, to me, indicates they never had real faith in god- but it was in men.....
some go back to churchianity!.
and that, to me, indicates they never had real faith in god- but it was in men.....
The question..
I think that would be quite presumptuous to say
some go back to churchianity!.
and that, to me, indicates they never had real faith in god- but it was in men.....
The question
haha ok bye
have fun worshipping men
some go back to churchianity!.
and that, to me, indicates they never had real faith in god- but it was in men.....
the question
What is this for strange assumption? No argumentation whatsoever. An unjust accusation is this.
If that for you is an indication that those people never had faith in God then it is my assumption that there might be something wrong in your thinking.
I left them because of my faith of God.
I am aware that the Bible encourages us to gather with other believers, therefore I go to church.
Who are you to make these kind of accusations without having a fact based argumentation or logic reasoning?
Edit: do you prefer to be in a Kingdom Hall instead of a Church? Am interested in your reasoning.
so, today i went to a different church than the jw's for the first time in over three years.. it is a protestant african church.
my first thoughts: for people who are 'trapped in babylon the great (according to watchtower) these people really seem genuingly happy and sincere in their adoration for god.
what a freedom compared to the witnesses!
So, today I went to a different church than the JW's for the first time in over three years.
It is a protestant African church. My first thoughts: for people who are 'trapped in Babylon the Great (according to Watchtower) these people really seem genuingly happy and sincere in their adoration for God. What a freedom compared to the witnesses! Babylon the Great feels amazing.
In the kingdom hall I always felt that most of the young people (I mean from 15-25 years, I'm 21 myself) do not even seem to believe in God. They just go to the kingdom hall for whatever reason, but not for God. They don't truly serve God, and if they do, then it surely is not in sincerity. Of course there is a minority of them that truly believes.
But for the majority, I really think they are secretly atheist/agnostic. Do other people have the same thoughts?
In this African church, people are really amazing and truly full of love for God. They are 10000% more Christian than the JW's.
It feels good to be in a church of believers.
Instead of being in a kingdom hall with... don't know how to call least not believers..
Bremen region, Germany, but would love to live in the UK
actions and consequences of lot’s wife vs. actions and consequences of david.
genesis 19 talks about how sodom and gomorrah were destroyed.
david under any law: yes, under the law of moses crime: adultery and murder consequence: nothing but blessings from god.
David Jay
Remember, the word "tradition" means "teaching" or "doctine" in a theological context (very different from what Jehovah's Witnesses teach).
JWs interpret "tradition" to mean that which originates with humans and not God, which of course makes 2 Thessalonians 2:15 unreadable
I actually was not aware of this.I must say the teachings of the witnesses are still affecting me. I have to do more research to get rid of their influence. It makes sense what you say.
The sources are very numerous as they cover secular and Jewish history, include comments from both the Jewish religion and secular archeology. How would you like to proceed? We are talking thousands and thousands and thousands of years of history.
Do you know of some good books that address this topic? I do not need to get into all the traditions of the Jews. However, in relation to Biblical topics such as the story of Lot, it can most certainly clarify certain things (on the condition that we can trust these traditions of course).